Polling Place Review

Closes 14 Feb 2025


Statutory Review of Polling Places and Polling Districts

Local authorities are required to carry out regular reviews of their polling districts and polling places, in accordance with Section 18(c) of the Representation of the People Act 1983. The last review was completed in 2019.

Scope of review

The scope of this review does not cover UK Parliament or Scottish Parliament constituency or local government ward boundaries. These are set by the Boundary Commission for Scotland and not the Council.

Section 18(c) of the Representation of the People Act 1983, as amended, places a duty on local authorities to review the UK parliamentary polling districts, polling places and polling stations in their area on a regular basis. The Council’s last full review of Polling Districts and Polling Places was completed in 2019.

The responsibility for reviewing UK parliamentary polling districts and polling places rests with the local authority and the responsibility for the allocation of polling stations rests with the Returning Officer. However, for the purpose of this review, all aspects of the review process will be undertaken jointly.

The scope of this review does not cover parliamentary constituency or local government ward boundaries as these are the responsibility of the Boundary Commission and Local Boundary Commission for Scotland respectively and therefore subject to separate review.

The 2023 Review of UK parliament constituencies was completed by the Boundary Commission for Scotland and their final recommendations submitted to Parliament in November 2023. Any implications arising from this review on current polling districts and polling places have been included as part of this review.

A review of Scottish Parliament constituency and region boundaries is currently underway and is due to be completed by 1 May 2025. A further review of polling districts may be undertaken considering final proposals, once published.

Review process

The aim of this review is to ensure that every elector in Fife has such reasonable facilities for voting as are practicable and as part of the review process the Council must seek to ensure that as far as is reasonable and practicable the polling places are accessible to those who are disabled.

The Council is required to publish notice of holding a review and this is available to view at Fife House, North Street, Glenrothes, KY7 5LT and the following public libraries during normal opening hours:

  • Cowdenbeath Library, 41 High Street, Cowdenbeath, KY4 9QA
  • Dunfermline Carnegie Library & Galleries, 1-7 Abbot Street, Dunfermline, KY12 7NL
  • Kirkcaldy Galleries, War Memorial Gardens, Kirkcaldy, KY1 1YG
  • Cupar Library, 33 Crossgate, Cupar, KY14 5AS
  • Rothes Hall Library, Rothes Square, Glenrothes, KY7 5NX

It can also be downloaded from the Fife Council Website - Polling Places and Polling Districts | Fife Council.

As part of the review process this consultation document has been issued to the following person(s):

  • Local Councillors, MPs, and MSP’s
  • Community Councils
  • Capability Scotland
  • Fife Society for the Blind
  • British Deaf Association
  • Disability Equality Scotland
  • Fife Forum

In addition, any elector for a UK Parliamentary constituency either wholly or partly within the Fife local government area may make representations to the Council on the current polling arrangements or draft proposals contained in this document. All representations received during the course of this review will be made available for public inspection.

The timetable for this review is as follows:  

16 December 2024

  • Publication of Notice of Review
  • Publication of consultation documents detailing existing polling arrangements, draft proposals and Returning Officer’s comments published

16 December 2024 to 14 February 2025

  • Public consultation period

5pm on 14 February 2025

  • Closing date for representations to be received

20 March 2025

  • Final recommendations submitted to fife Council

31 March 2025

  • Publication of the outcome of the Review



“Parliamentary constituency” the Parliamentary Constituencies Act 1986 states that “there shall for the purpose of parliamentary elections be the county and burgh constituencies each returning a single member, which are described in Orders in Council made under this Act. […} In this Act and, except where the context otherwise requires, in any Act passed after the Representation of the People Act 1948, “constituency “means an area having separate representation in the House of Commons.”

The subject of this review is the current division of the UK parliamentary constituencies within the Fife local government area into polling districts. The UK parliamentary constituency boundaries cannot be amended by this review.

“Polling District” is defined as the geographical area created by the sub-division of a constituency or ward into smaller parts. In Scotland, each electoral ward must be divided into two or more polling districts unless there are deemed to be special circumstances.

“Polling Place” is defined as the building or area in which polling stations will be designated by the Returning Officer. Polling places should be within the polling district unless special circumstances make it desirable to designate an area outside the polling district.

“Polling Station” is defined as the room or area within the polling place where voting actually takes place. These are designated by the Returning Officer for each election.