Rent Consultation 2025-26
Elected Members have asked the Housing Service to consult with tenants on rent options for 2025/26. We would like to hear your views on the rent options and which services you’d like to see potential additional investment in.
The rent survey closes on Friday 31st January 2025. The final decision on rent options will be taken by the Council in February 2025.
Why your views matter
Your views help us to shape the final decisions taken by Councillors and the future decisions we have to make as a service. The feedback that you give us directly influences service decisions.
Your views will help shape proposals in terms of looking at service reductions if a budget gap remains, or prioritising services for potential additional investment should the agreed rent increase allow this.
This year we are consulting on three options – 5%, 6% and 7%. A rent increase of 5% would leave a budget gap which could reduce the services we provide to you, as this gap will have to be met. A rent increase of 6% or 7% will give us more money to manage any future pressures and to potentially allow additional investment in services.
It is incredibly important to use your vote and tell us how you feel.
Give us your views
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- Council Tenants
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