
Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice explains how we use the information that we collect about you.

Fife Council uses the information provided by you via responses on this website to facilitate consultation events and for research purposes. We hold and process the information on the basis that you have freely given us your permission to do so.

The personal information we gather and use includes name, e-mail address, postcode, age group, etc. The information contained within the completed response is collected and processed for the purposes of demographic analysis of responses to surveys and consultations.

We use information in aggregated form:

  • to improve how we engage with communities and build community profiles
  • to aid strategic development
  • for research
  • to provide services

If you choose to allow a response to be published and you provide contact information, we may, on occasion, contact you to seek feedback or provide outcomes of surveys you have been involved in.

We may share your information with third parties/agencies who will be working in partnership with us to deliver events and consultations or carry out research.

The Council will not keep your information for longer than is necessary. In some instances, the law sets the length of time information has to be kept. The Council has a retention schedule which sets out how long we hold different types of information. The retention schedule can be found on our Privacy policy page.

Further information on how your information is used and why can be found at The Council's Data Protection Officer can be contacted at:

Delib Privacy Information

Delib's software (this website) enables organisations to set up and operate activities, through which they can engage with you.

This site is managed by the controlling organisation, Fife Council. When you access and use this site, the personal information you have submitted to these activities will go to the organisation. Delib will not access your personal information unless requested to do so by the organisation, and only for the purposes of assisting them with the administration of this site.

Accessing your Personal Information

If you have any questions or requests about your personal information, for example to request a copy of it, or to ask for it to be corrected if you think it is wrong, please contact the organisation (as stated in their Privacy Notice / Privacy Statement / Privacy Policy). It is the controlling organisation's responsibility to answer any questions or requests about your personal information.

Collection of Browser Information

The information provided by your computer when you use this website is collected by Delib. For example, your browser type, IP address, language preference, referring site and the date and time. The purpose for collecting this information is to maintain the security of the website and for operating and improving the software.